SFM 450 length overall .......... 13.72m length wl ................. 12.41m beam ....................... 3.52m beam wl ................... 3.20m draft ........................ 1.84m displacement ........... 9.75t ballast ..................... 4.75t year launched ......... 2007 builders ................... peter and eugene vaiciurgis designer .................. stuart freizer marine sail area .................. construction ............ aluminium ...
Big TinnieDeckCockpitGalleyLooking forward through main settee area up to door to front bedroomLeft door to bedroom, right door to head and storage roomFront BedroomFront BedroomMain Settee areaLooking forward to door to front bedroom ...
CockpitMain Settee areaIn front Bedroom looking at left door to head, right door to main cabinFront HeadThe little detailsCockpitPainted ...
Jura just prior to loading onto the truckThe Turtle Table - made by PeterThe GalleySeat/bed opposite the galleyThe CockpitSea Dragon SignwritingCupboards in front bedroom ...
So what does "Jura" mean?
Jura is a latin based word meaning "sea"
It is pronounced "U-ra"
Jura is a latin based word meaning "sea"
It is pronounced "U-ra"
Jura was launched on the 6th June 2007 at River Quays Marina.She was craned onto the transport truck on the afternoon of the 5th June and spent one final night at the Cryeng Factory before we said goodbye to that putrid smell at 3.30am on the 6th of June. It was a very cold, early start with the oversize truck having to be...
but not without dramas!!Tuesday 12th June 2007The mast was assembled in Queensland by All Yacht Spars and transported down by truck along with a man (Zam) to finish rigging it and stand it on the boat. Unforunately when Zam unpacked the mast, spreaders and bits and pieces he realised half the wires were missing. No back stays, no D2s...No way the mast can...
The sails went up for the first time on Saturday 21st July 2007. ...
Some pictures taken during our cruise of Flinders Island in company (Jan - Feb 08) ...
A few pics of Jura sailing, Sunday 22nd July 2007. ...