Jura was launched on the 6th June 2007 at River Quays Marina.
She was craned onto the transport truck on the afternoon of the 5th June and spent one final night at the Cryeng Factory before we said goodbye to that putrid smell at 3.30am on the 6th of June. It was a very cold, early start with the oversize truck having to be off the road by 5am.

We left the factory, following the truck and two oversize vehicles out onto the M4.

Jura went the fast she will ever go....100km/h and overtook many vehicles. We didn't even slow down for the toll gates!

At 8am the truck reversed Jura into the marina and down to the crane.

As Juras keel touched the water she was christened by Eugene with a bottle of champagne. No we didn't smash it on the bow!!

After one little mishap (but we won't talk about that) Peter reversed Jura out of the pen and we got our first look at her on the water. May be we are a bit biased but we think Jura looks amazing, so sleek and modern.
She was craned onto the transport truck on the afternoon of the 5th June and spent one final night at the Cryeng Factory before we said goodbye to that putrid smell at 3.30am on the 6th of June. It was a very cold, early start with the oversize truck having to be off the road by 5am.

We left the factory, following the truck and two oversize vehicles out onto the M4.

Jura went the fast she will ever go....100km/h and overtook many vehicles. We didn't even slow down for the toll gates!

At 8am the truck reversed Jura into the marina and down to the crane.

As Juras keel touched the water she was christened by Eugene with a bottle of champagne. No we didn't smash it on the bow!!

After one little mishap (but we won't talk about that) Peter reversed Jura out of the pen and we got our first look at her on the water. May be we are a bit biased but we think Jura looks amazing, so sleek and modern.

but not without dramas!!
Tuesday 12th June 2007
The mast was assembled in Queensland by All Yacht Spars and transported down by truck along with a man (Zam) to finish rigging it and stand it on the boat.
Unforunately when Zam unpacked the mast, spreaders and bits and pieces he realised half the wires were missing. No back stays, no D2s...No way the mast can go up without them!
After a phone call back to his boss it was decided that they would fly the missing pieces down to us on a Virgin Blue flight. The flight was due to arrive at 1.30pm but it was late of course. We picked the parcel up a bit after 2.30 and raced back to the marina. For a job that I was told the night before was going to take 'the best part of a day' we now only had 2 hours to do before the sun went down!!
Needless to say it wasn't finished and with Zam heading down to Melbourne that evening we had no choice but to have another company finish the rigging the following day (not at our expense luckily)

Tuesday 12th June 2007
The mast was assembled in Queensland by All Yacht Spars and transported down by truck along with a man (Zam) to finish rigging it and stand it on the boat.
Unforunately when Zam unpacked the mast, spreaders and bits and pieces he realised half the wires were missing. No back stays, no D2s...No way the mast can go up without them!
After a phone call back to his boss it was decided that they would fly the missing pieces down to us on a Virgin Blue flight. The flight was due to arrive at 1.30pm but it was late of course. We picked the parcel up a bit after 2.30 and raced back to the marina. For a job that I was told the night before was going to take 'the best part of a day' we now only had 2 hours to do before the sun went down!!
Needless to say it wasn't finished and with Zam heading down to Melbourne that evening we had no choice but to have another company finish the rigging the following day (not at our expense luckily)